:) technorati :( popular feed


lifehacker posted on this today, but I had the new badge installed almost right away as I have been spending far too much time in front of my delicious account lately, and received the announcent last week. As a consequence of importing my entire archive from Furl, I now have over 2000 bookmarks to sort through! They all have the original tags and everything, but I am finding as I go over them, that this metadata needs updating.

I am reviewing all this stuff for a reason. I am in the final stages of putting my masters thesis together, and have referenced alot of my sources and references online. If you would like to check out the project or heck, even to participate you can see the new website for info. I was using Furl for research projects exclusively for awhile, but keeping up with Furl AND just proved to be unmanageble. Now that everything is in one place, I can mull it over, use the collection to help review my learning path, and pull out all the best references. I plan to re-import all my bookmarks BACK into Furl once I have all the tags updated. weee!

Anyway, the badge is cool, and I think the new direction they are going with this service is very much needed.. The social direction. Why dont ya stop by for a visit and add me to your network?

In other news. I guess I’ll have to finally turn trackbacks off on my blog, since I recently registered it on the technorati blog index, and they seem to be just a huge spam magnet. I am trying to promote my blog a little more these days because I’d like to get more participantion in my research project. Its seems that comes at a cost.

My Northern Voice

technorati ‘northern voice’ feed


The anticipation over last weeks conference had been building for awhile, and it turned out to the very best of times. I put together a weak wiki page of my notes.

It was a thrill to meet the awesome edu-blogger posse that lambo, hangs with. alan, darcy, and scott have been in my aggregator for sometime now, and it was a real pleasure to get to know them on a more personal level. I have linked to their respective insights on the conference which all go into more depth than i plan to here. There were many insightful discussions, that i was happy to be able to record and will be posting to this, now ‘podcast enabled‘ blog.

One of the only reasons to go to any of these things is to meet the people. We are all so cooped up for so much of the year, it is a special time when we can all get out to play, share and see the faces behind the blogs. I was fortunate to meet Phillip J from Twenty Years From Now blog. Phillip is doing his thesis on a subject of special interest to me, tagging.

My thesis explores motivations and strategies used within tagged information spaces for storing and retrieving digital content. I am specifically studying and citeulike.

His talk (which I also tried to record) was well received and I had lots to discuss with him. I cannot wait to get his feedback on our Life of Tags project.

Nancy White, self professed – “online interacion addict” , led a fantastic discussion on Snow White and the Seven Competencies of Online Interaction. I have not listend to alans recording yet, but I am glad he was there to catch it. One of the topics that came up in the discussion was just how risky blogging is from a research academic’s perspective. Ideas posted online, are open for all, and in the competitive ‘publish or perish’ environment, sharing is not always to your advantage. There is resistance, but the situation is changing as the benfits of building knowledge together online becomes realized.

One of the most intruiging ideas I caught, was about the guy(gal?) who does not have a blog, but rather just posts comments on other blogs. Apparently they are quite prolific in this practice and have evolved a strong online presence as an “A-list commenter“. Unfortunatley, I did not get his name, nor do I remember who was speaking at the time, (distracted by my own technology?) but if anyone knows who this person might be, if they can be googled or whatever, I’d love to hear from you. My own searches have proved fruitless.

The life of Tags

Fading waypoints feed


Davids feed

On behalf of the IA Summit 2006 Program Committee, I am delighted
to inform you that the following submission has been accepted
to appear at the conference: The Life of Tags

My collegue and I were fortunate to get our proposal for a paper accepted for the Information Architecture Summit coming to vancouver in march! =)
We were so pleased, we just had to set up a blog to ramp up the writing we are now commited to. Should be an awesome experience as this is the first time I have had a proposal accepted in a peer reviewed setting. Yes, I am more than a little nervous now, particularly since one of my favorite authors (and experts in our topic area) is also the keynote speaker. Dr. D. Weinberger.

Our topic should be great fun. Called, “The Life of Tags“, we will be exploring the idea of adding ‘rules’ to the process of tagging to enhance the usability and overcome some of taggings shortcomings, (all the while trying to preserve what makes it work). The idea is to approach the tag space in a way that reflects behaviours in conways game of life. (check the upper right hand corner) This work will contribute to the ongoing debate about ontology versus folksonomy that has been fueling the web 2.0 fire. My posts on this topic will now move over to Fading Waypoints, but I will tie a feed back here. (I wish I could have a setup for wordpress like Wil has for drupal. His posts from ANY social software site he writes on (flickr, delicious etc.) ALL get published on his main blog. sweet.)