Social, educational & open media in an SFU classroom.

I have used Storify to introduce social media before. And I’m not above doing so again. For its sheer ease of use, and how quickly you can assemble a story from a wide assortment online sources, it should be an early stop on your Edmedia quest.

I have tried to keep a robust set material to explore on the Open Educational Resource Page (OERs), but this is a topic that is shifting so fast these days its impossible to keep up but in a cursory way. Unless of course you are leveraging a ‘PLN’ (more on that in class discussion šŸ˜‰

As noted, there has been a more extensive set of learning objectives for this session, but I haveĀ  been updating it for today’s session.

And hopefully many more.

I am hoping by linking to the awesome CC artwork I will be OK as far as licensing goes, but there is a story there.

Also, this video…

Below is a snippet from a Storify story created using found media online.