I see it.
There are many back-logged posts and sketches to get out, (remember #inktober ?!) but tonight, I’m motivated share these early animation studies I drew back in my college days. These have been part of a collection of old drawings I have been hanging onto since I made them, but in an ongoing effort to decrease my worldly possessions they are on deck for destruction. I’ve taken it upon myself as I’m culling my final portfolios, to digitize and blog these artifacts to somehow ensure they have more longevity than the paper and ink they were rendered on. We’ll see how that goes.
The study here, if I remember correctly was simply to show some action, over 5 frames. These were to be rendered in ink, in a 3×4 format, and turned in on a clean card stock, with no eraser lines, no torn edges and no coffee stains. It was about telling a compelling story in combination with meticulous craftsmanship. And now they are animated GIFs.
My energy over the next couple of weeks is turning to both Halloween, drawing, and much more, which in part have inspired this post. I hope to share more drawings here, as I pick up on #inktober, and further ‘art decluttering’. There is no space for fear, as much as conditions may call for it, best to just dive in.