
2015 Check in! -> Another 2 years and all is well with the blog. I’ve moved hosts again (kinda) and am now being served by the fine folks at Reclaim hosting which has been spectacular. So much so that I’ve been buying up domains for some upcoming new (and exciting!) projects. More on that to follow.
I can report the blogging has been going well the past couple of months, and I expect it to continue as I feel this is a time of increasing productivity. I have added some icons for the the categories I set up at the last check in [    Mixing, Growing, Making, Updates   ]  using font awesome icon set which I will probably over use.

The main purpose of this update however was to get a brief bio up here so here goes.

Brief Bio: I work as a visual practitioner in many forms, mostly I love to draw and share that work on the internet. As an educator I’ve been fortunate to be able to bring my years of making art and designing online experiences to the academy, and continue to unlock others creative potential on paper and online. My goals here are simple, to share tales of my journeys through drawing and design, growing and community. Plus I like music.

[aboutme username=”jasontoal”]


2013 -> This blog is taking on renewed life as MY DOMAIN. No telling what it has in store but I’m already noticing a complete lack of organization, missing data (imported from previous blogs) and an almost a complete disregard for updating whatsoever! (i do my taxes more than publish here).

I have a renewed passion in my work life which will be documented here under the category ‘Art‘. I will continue to publish and host my mixes and those of my arch nemesis, Dr. Jones (tagged ‘IN THE MIX‘). PLanning to start  will a new category as well, called ‘Growing things’ which will be related to plants and dirt. In general I really hope to engage more with my online networks in this year 2013, lets go!


2011 -> This blog has mostly evolved as a place for me to share my work from ds106 , (an online course in digital storytelling) but as it goes along im sure it will evolve. Lately, in my experiments with the radio format, I have been doing live DJ sets on ds106radio, the internet radio station that is used as part of the course.  I will usually announce these sets on my twitter account, and possibly email or text some friends so they can tune in, but to make my life easier, and be able to provide updates on a voluntarily basis,  I have decided to set up  a maillist.

If you would like to receive announcements about when I will be broadcasting some live mixes, feel free to follow me on twitter, or sign up to the maillist on this website. I will do my best to give you timely updates, but more than likely it will be a 30 min heads up or ‘just in time’.