Hello everyone! My name is Tara mcFarlane & I am the Administrative Coordinator for the Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines (ISTLD). One of the main responsibilities I have is to coordinate and facilitate the Teaching and Learning Development Grants program (http://www.sfu.ca/tlgrants). My idea for a project was to come up with an infographic that could be used independently or within a presentation/website to give a quick and clear overview of the Teaching and Learning Development Grant process from the view of a potential grant applicant/recipient.
For those who are interested, I included the hand-drawn documents I used to map out my project. I basically started with brainstorming as much text as I could. I then took key words and information that was imperative to the process and highlighted/circled them. Then I drafted out a step by step process of the grants, and then mapped these keywords to it. For example “investigate” is a key term, as there must be some investigation that happens. You can view the draft here (PDF)(TLDG_Draft_McFarlane_EMP).
I then created the logo and the SFU building in PowerPoint, and started to collect images from FreePik. Once I had an inventory of images, I started to build some ideas, based on my drawing, in Piktochart. After a few iterations, a lot of feedback (Thanks Shantala!), I came up with the following:
I still have a bit to do, but I’m quite pleased with what I needed up with.
Tara, amazing job! I love how you emphasized the start location on the graphic. It’s a creative solution to that problem. I also like how the radiating rings end the flow, and then the magnifying glass brings the reader’s eye back to the title. Great design!!