The Telebook infographic is an interactive infographic meant to give a quick, engaging visual overview to the Telebook service. The existing screen capture tutorial is becoming outdated and I wanted an alternative way of delivering the information in a sustainable way – so easy to update, low time commitment, small learning curve for any software used.
The result is a Prezi about Telebook that is embedded into relevant SFU Library pages:
The Faculty of Education has many different programs, offered in different locations, at different times of day and on different days throughout the week, to a diverse population of students and faculty. As Liaison Librarian to the Faculty of Education, it can be a challenge finding opportunities to meet and connect with students and faculty despite the desire to do so on my part and the part of the students and faculty.
In an attempt to begin to address this issue, I have created a brief, informal video basically introducing myself and what I do to students and faculty. This video (and others like it) will be embedded on SFU Library pages that Education students and faculty are likely to navigate to. The hope is this will create an opportunity to develop more of a rapport with me as their liaison librarian by making myself more present (albeit virtually) and knowable (a face, voice, and personality to associate with my name and title). This in turn will hopefully better enable me to support the research, teaching, and learning of members of the Faculty of Education.