Kick Off – Summary

The kick off to the Spring 2018 cohort could not have gone better.

Everyone showed up, had interesting dialogue and contributions and I believe kicked off to a good start in considering an EdMedia ‘project’. We are not holding anyone accountable for completing any specific project, rather we just want to frame our workshops and program around the idea of creation and design. Which means lots of brainstorming, discussion, creative process and sharing. All of which we packed into the first session.

We are doing a couple of new things this time around, most notably we are in the process of “co-creating” a narrative or transmedia story around the program itself. We have a pretty well tested series of workshops, but have always wanted to have an activity to tie it all together. We want to respect each participants individual needs and desired outcomes from this journey, but feel working together for a common goal is a bonding experience that can’t be beat. With that in mind we have embarked each of the participants on their own personal “EdMedia quest“, alongside the group activity.

The story begins

As an icebreaker, we used the Dixit card game to warm with an initial query, “From what place are you beginning your EdMedia quest?”. This is hopefully open ended enough to introduce each participant. The Dixit cards are a fantastical series of images that illicit imaginative thinking and are designed to tell stories. These were the cards chosen by our participants.

There is a cohesiveness within this entire card deck, but this selection of cards, shows (to me) an adventurous spirit, a sense of mystery and willingness to explore and learn…. and win!

A sense of place

Along with our physical classroom space, we wanted the EMP Spring 2018 cohort to have a virtual sense of place, for asynchronous communication and sharing, as an archive of our process and oh so many more things. That brings us to this blog.

There are many good eg. of WordPress being used in education, and we are trying to copy the best of them.  I will be discussing this more in the next session on OERs, but a few exemplary eg. I wanted to share are from…



An original comic by Jade Greer

Douglas College

The point for us in the EMP is provide a place to practice publishing media. whether its sharing a youtube video, or leaving a comment on a post, this practice is key to your first steps in open education.

I’m going to leave that as my summary for now, although I have many more ideas swirling around.

At the end of the session I asked the group, based on the Dixit card they chose in the firs session, if they had any thoughts about what first steps they may take on their EdMedia quest. I did not record their answers, but if any are willing to take the opportunity to respond in the comments below, they would be most welcome. 🙂


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