Scary stories of Second Life, circa 2007

Well this is happening.

The Little (work)Shop of Horrors, is coming up October 28th, and I am STOKED about what the planning team and our Centre for Digital Media (CDM) collaborators have been able to put together in such a short period of time.  Of particular note, are the keynote and plenary speakers. Audrey Watters will be kicking things off with some scary stories of her own all related to the monsters in educational technology. Closing our day will be CDM resident Patrick Pennefather, who promises some highly interactive experiences which will build from the rubble of our experiments and failures.

Which brings me to the theme and the idea behind “fail tales”, or sharing stories when things did not go well. A few years ago I attended one of the annual “Failure Wakes” held by the RADIUS Innovation lab, and was struck by the openness of the contributors, and how these innovators embraced their failures as “..fertile soil in which new ventures grow.” When the topic came up as a possible theme for the EdTech communities fall workshop, I was in full support. “What could go wrong?!” Well for some reason I couldn’t get behind asking others to share instances that may put themselves, in a vulnerable position. Unless I was ready to do so myself! In the spirit of camaraderie and the notion that our failures are the key to growth, I have decided to shere one of the worst EdTech fails I can think of in my relatively lengthly career in this area. I’ll let the video speak for itself, but a huge shout out to Duane Woods for putting this together so quick and off the cuff.

Look forward to seeing you on October 28th!

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