Open and Flexible at SFU

Each time I run the OER sessions for the Educational Media Program, it changes. Its because things are moving at such an increasing pace, you can almost dip your toe in the social media streams the week before, and report on that to get all the latest goings on.  This week is no different. The landscape of “open” at Simon Fraser is slow moving, but it has begun and our discussions today will revolve around our own local culture, even tho the world of Open Education is global.

Here are a couple of previous posts in case I haven’t provided enough information


Flexible SFU

The task force on flexible education report is due out any day now, and will shape teaching practices at this university moving forward. Suffice it say, online and/or “blended” learning will be a cornerstone.

If there is a text book for Open Education in Canada right now it would be from Dr. Tony Bates, Teaching in a Digital Age Guidelines for designing teaching and learning

Leading by eg. Dr Bates has made this textbook freely available as an open textbook, a project we are hoping to undertake with this round of the EMP. On eof the joys of using an open textbook for me has to be being able to embed parts of the content directly into your course.  Simply by providing a link.

Creative Commons

Discussions about the Creative Commons website, and how media can be openly licensed, formed the basis of our discussion.  How can you find media to use for your course or learning design?

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