Finding Audio Tools – [T.e.l.l. January]

A sequence of slides accompanied by instructor audio is one of the easiest multimedia enhancements to an online course. But how do you get this media online in a form that best supports learning. Keith Webster and Hayley Hewson from Technology Integrated Learning at the University of Victoria will share the results of their recent evaluation of various solutions to this problem.

Finding the Best Tool for Creating Slides with Audio

[T.e.l.l. January] Finding the Best Tool for Creating Slides with Audio from BCcampus on Vimeo.

Deanna Reder

Reder_Deanna-25fin_websizeDeanna wanted to use her opportunity in the EMP program to expand her toolkit, and become more versed in the creation of educational media. Specifically, she wanted to draw on First Nations oral traditions and use audio merged together with her custom powerpoint deck to create a learning artifact with some real impact. Although powerpoint was familiar to her, creating this artifact required a deeper understanding of the tool, and some extensive research to gather the images she wanted to use.  In her words…

While I began by collecting images to use in a powerpoint, Adam and Jason showed me that I could use Moviemaker and therefore include a downloaded version of Thomas King’s voice! While I am a novice at this sort of thing, and wouldn’t know that by clicking on the title or even the slide to the left will begin the movie, you might already notice the cues that let you see what we’ve done.


She has posted the finished work on her blog, but we have also copied it to the link below.
