Indigenous Story Studio takes on Covid-19

Interested in supporting a new kickstarter campaign to make a “Whiteboard video on staying safe with Covid-19”? Sean Muir from the Indigenous Story Studio is undertaking this challenge, and would like to hear from you.

“We want to create a series of whiteboard videos on Covid-19 tailored for at-risk populations such as Indigenous, new Canadians, people experiencing homelessness, low-income, and other vulnerable populations. We find that whiteboard videos are more engaging and dynamic than live-action, can be tailored for specific audiences and languages at economical rates, and are easily sharable across a multitude of platforms. Indigenous Story Studio has experience creating such resources for the First Nations Health Authority, Interior Health and the Provincial Health Authority of BC. You can see samples at”

Sean is showcasing a gallery of whiteboard animations, motion comics, Go Animate media on a variety of topics.


We will be trying to bring new whiteboard animation tutorials and resources in upcoming posts. For now please check out the kickstarter campaign below and show the support that you can.