Teaching Visually, using the lightboard

The lightboard is a simple yet innovative way to make instructional videos of all kinds. The  advantage of these kinds of videos, is that the instructor can show their ideas visually by drawing, while  maintaining a connection with the audience through eye contact.

You can check out some of my workshops resources on this site,  and see some eg. of the SFU lightboard in action.

Workshop Promo video

A Good Data Visualization site


It’s not easy to find quality information on data visualization online. Try googling “data visualization”, and you get a lot of sites that are trying to sell you on their design services. But I did recently come across a great site:  Data Visualization, Design and Information Munging.

It’s run by Martin Krzywinski, a Vancouver-based scientist, and centres on how to connect people to scientific work.  The site isn’t the easiest to navigate so here are some links to presentations on the site:

-How to make your data appealing (includes tips on using colour, resolution, scale, and also how to make your graphics get to the point!): http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/talks/bcca-workshop-vis.pdf

-Design principles and quantitative information:  http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/talks/datavisualization/datavisualization.pdf

-More design info, but it also includes some examples of how to make powerpoint presentation slides more interesting http://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/science.online/science.online.on.slides.pdf

Hopefully, this site will be useful to you! If you know of any other useful data viz sites, please share them too!

