Vancouver Draw Down: Day 28

Day 28 Daily Drawing Project

Just for Fun: Draw 3 things that come from an egg.
Challenging: Draw an egg using something you have never drawn with before (think: lipstick, soy sauce, shampoo)

FINALLY. An excuse to crack open these “Oilbars” I picked up awhile back. I’ve got a few bigger projects in mind for them, but have not experimented at all. Not until Vancouver Draw dawn issued its Day 28 Daily drawing! I was surprised to find the bars performed much as they promised, “like painting with a stick”. I’m not one for painting really, (wish i had googled them before buying) but my reaction so far is… messy! They were an ongodly price too, hope they mix well with other media.


Vancouver Draw Down: Day 22 (first post)

By some chance I managed to stumble across this project today, The Vancouver Draw Down. It’s been awhile since i’ve posted so will skip straight to the point. This project is so spot what I’m familiar with in the ds106 community and the Daily Create I just had to jump in. Not to mention the fact that it is local and will give me the motivation to draw everyday, (besides Draw Something). I’m a little bummed I’ve only caught on for Day 22 of 30.  But am determined to complete the remainder of the assignments and check out some the amazing looking wrap up events going on next week. So far, the Exquisite Corpse has got my vote!

And now for my first assignment:

Day 22 Daily Drawing Project

Just for Fun: Place your paper on a textured surface. Rub the side of a crayon across the paper: frottage!


For this ( my first ) Daily Drawing assignment I chose the stove top as a rubbing surface. Had to do several layers and alternate directions of the marks to really get the shape of the stove top to stand out.