OER: Educreations Video

For our Going Visual II workshop, we have created a video using the app Educreations. This is a really neat (free) app that allows you to draw on your iPad and record your voice at the same time. It’s a great way to make instructional videos quickly and efficiently. The app lets you edit your video, and draw with a variety of tools and colours. You can also upload images and draw on top of them.


Check out our video here:

How did we make it?

1. First, we planned out the idea quickly using a storyboard. You can of course make your video on Educreations by starting with the app itself, but we find it’s always easier to rough out our ideas first. Here is the one we used for our video:
educreations storyboard

2. We then fleshed that storyboard out with a script so that we’d know what to say.

3. Finally, we fired up the app. It took four takes of about 4 minutes each until we got something we liked.

4. Educreations stores the video on its servers and lets you embed the video or send out a link. We have embedded the link here on our blog with a quick cut and paste. And just like that we have an OER!